SolarLab highlighted at the NERA Symposium

March 26, 2024

SolarLab highlighted at the NERA Symposium

The Netherlands Energy Research Alliance Symposium was held on February 2nd with more than 400 participants. During the special session about the new SolarLab research program connected to SolarNL, latest developments from TU Delft, TU Eindhoven and the University of Twente were presented. During a panel discussion with Jan-Anton Koster (University of Groningen), Bruno Ehrler (AMOLF), Monica Morales-Masis (University of Twente), Olindo Isabella (TU Delft) and René Janssen (TU Eindhoven), the chances of commercializing perovskite solar cells were discussed. The urgent need for research on stability, efficiency, and tandem cells became clear.
